What Happens When Your Heart’s Mitral Valve Leaks?


The term used to indicate leakage in the Mitral valve is known as regurgitation. The heart is supposed to follow one path while pumping blood. However, in the case of Mitral valve leakage, the blood starts to leak and flow backward.The Mitral valve must follow one specific path only. The flaps present in it close behind the flow of blood which should be sent to the left ventricle.Basically, the closing of the valve is not proper. This leads to the reverse flow of the blood to the left atrium.The most common cause of this ailment is the degradation of the Mitral valve. It can be a result of heart failure or from birth. There are other causes as well- calcium build-up, rheumatic fever, infective endocarditis, etc. (in which the lining of one’s heart’s chambers and valves is damaged).SymptomsOnly in extreme cases, the symptoms may show up such as-

  • Pain in chest
  • Heart murmur
  • Breathing issues
  • Coughing
  • Heart palpitations (They occurs due to missing of your heartbeats)
  • Feet or/and ankles getting swollen

The disorder of Mitral valve regurgitation headways very slowly. There is usually no onset of symptoms, making us unaware of this ailment’s presence.Hazardous complicationsThe condition of severe regurgitation can result in blood clots. These clumps, if reached to the brain or lungs could be quite dangerous. Fluid can get increased in the lungs, which can further add to strain in the right-hand side of the heart.Moreover, the heart has to work harder to pump more blood to your whole body. It can lead to the enlargement of your heart, making it difficult for your heart to pump blood, which in turn could increase the probability of getting a heart attack.Moreover, if the period of this disorder grows too long, then it could ignite the threat of suffering from high blood pressure which could affect the vessels in the lungs (This condition is also known as Pulmonary hypertension).The treatment required to deal with leakage in the Mitral valve heavily depends upon the severity of the condition. However, in mild circumstances, the option of treatment is usually not that mandatory.Two options of two ‘R’, ‘replace’ or ‘repair’ is what constitutes the Mitral valve surgery. If someone with complicated regurgitation does not undertake the surgery, then the aftermath could lead to heart failure or arrhythmias.Thus, it is vital to intervene in the earlier phase of this disorder to protect yourself from any possible life-taking harm.

Go to this website https://www.crioceras.com/ in order to acquire additional information about heart-related diseases and their precautions.

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