Engraved and Personalised Wooden Chopping and Food Boards


Chopping boards and Food boards are everyday utensils that can be found in most, if not all, kitchens across many, many countries in the world. How However, you can jazz them up a little bit through adding a personalised touch to them, to make them special to the person using them.

Why would I want to buy a personalised Wooden Chopping / Food Board?

It is a question that is asked all of the time as adding personalisation to one of these items definitely won’t improve its performance, however it is definitely something different to the usual standard gifts you might receive at any time, and can be given or received at any occasion, whether a special birthday, achievement, or an anniversary of some kind.

Where can I get them from?

Surprisingly you can get a personalised chopping / food board from quite a few places, including many online stores, homeware stores, and specialist kitchen stores throughout the high streets.

How much will they cost me?

Prices for items of this nature fluctuate, and a lot of this can be down to the quality and the precision required to make them, but as standard, you can find prices starting from between as little as £15.00 to £20.00 which then rise up to and past £100.00. There are prices that suit all price ranges and there are more styles that you could care to think of.

As already mentioned, they are not your standard type of gift or accessory for your own home, but, personalised wooden chopping / food boards are becoming more and more modern.

For more information on them and to discover all of the different shapes, sizes, materials and finishes you can choose from, search online or get out and about and visit the myriad of stores that undoubtedly there are in your local area.

For guidance and assistance on this subject, please visit one, a few, or all of the links below that have come from the 1st page of a Google search.

There are all manner of websites and shops you can go to, and on top of the above, auction sites such as eBay and Amazon also have plenty of sellers who can offer this type of product.

Good Luck in finding the right seller and right product for you, it may take you a while to get through all of your options, but just remember how authentic and unique a gift a personalised wooden chopping / food board can be.

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